Andrew Talks to Chefs

Farmer Lee Jones (The Chef's Garden; Milan, Ohio) on Soil Health, Vegetables as Preventative Medicine, and Building Longterm Relationships

Episode Summary

Farmer Lee Jones of the legendary The Chef's Garden discusses some key issues facing farmers today.

Episode Notes

This fall, at the Roots Conference held at The Chef's Garden's Culinary Vegetable Institute in Milan, Ohio, Farmer Lee Jones (he of the signature denim overalls and red bowtie) sat down with Andrew to discuss a few key issues covered at the conference--regenerative farming, vegetables as preventative medicine, and the future of the industry.

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This episode is part of the Andrew Talks to Chefs New Episode Holiday Marathon, brought to you by The Dish, Andrew's most recent book, which just became available in paperback, with a cool new black-and-white cover. Be sure to check it out, and subscribe to the pod wherever you listen so you can keep up with the Marathon and all forthcoming episodes.