Andrew Talks to Chefs

Jenner Tomaska and Katrina Bravo (Esmé, Chicago) – Part 2, in which our heroes work and learn at MK and Next in Chicago, and decide to launch a restaurant (Esmé) together

Episode Summary

Jenner Tomaska and Katrina Bravo discuss their time at MK and Next in Chicago, the process of concepting Esmé, and their working relationship. (Part 2 of 2)

Episode Notes

In this this second  installment of our conversation with Jenner Tomaska and Katrina Bravo, the couple behind Chicago's Esmé, the pair discuss  their time at MK and Next in Chicago, the process of concepting Esmé, and their working relationship..

Huge thanks to Andrew Talks to Chefs’ presenting sponsor, meez, the recipe operating software for culinary professionals. Meez powers the Andrew Talks to Chefs podcast as part of the meez  Network, featuring a breadth of food and beverage podcasts and newsletters

This episode is part of the Andrew Talks to Chefs New Episode Holiday Marathon, brought to you by The Dish, Andrew's most recent book, which just became available in paperback, with a cool new black-and-white cover. Be sure to check it out, and subscribe to the pod wherever you listen so you can keep up with the Marathon and all forthcoming episodes.